Makeup Brushes…Keep Them Clean!

Makeup Brushes…Keep Them Clean!

We all know how important it is to keep our face clean by cleansing it daily, preferably twice a day, but have you given much thought to your makeup brushes? Many people haven’t and that’s just scary!  When you start with a clean “palette” in the morning of freshly washed skin, but then turn around to use dirty makeup brushes, you are essentially putting dirt, oil and bacteria right back on your face. GROSS!


When you are faced with Acne

When you are faced with Acne

Grandma always said eating french fries caused my acne!

Let’s face it, acne is real and it can affect anyone!  Men, women, teens, acne is not just for the “chosen few”.  We can encounter acne at different seasons of our lives for various reasons.  Excess oil on our skin, dirty and clogged pores, stress, and yes, even hormones.  Fries…not so much.

We can’t always avoid an occasional pimple or a full blown breakout, but there are a few relatively simple tips that can help us to have our best, healthiest skin possible.  Disclaimer: Depending on the severity of your acne, you may need to consult a dermatologist.  The following tips are just that, helpful tips. (more…)